
Radiology Teaching Archive at Queen Margaret University

Pukka-j recently installed a new radiology teaching archive at Queen Margaret University to help the department deliver teaching images to radiography students.

A windows server has been configured with the Pukka-j teaching archive to provide access to example radiology images to students.  The images are being sent to the archive via a Pukka-j Nexus service running in the hospital network with a DICOM connection to the hospital PACS.  The Nexus service has been configured with the anonymisation plug-in such that any identifiable information is removed from the DICOM header of the images as they pass through.  Because of the streaming nature of the Nexus service, the images are not cached locally and pass though the service, being modified as they are transferred.  In addition to the anonymisation plug-in, the Nexus service has been setup with the redaction plugin so as to remove any demographics in the banner from any ultrasound images and also from the report screen captures of the Dexa images.  DICOM SRs also pass through the service and are attached to the study on the teaching archive.  These SRs are reviewed at the university, to remove any information that is not required before being made available as part of the study.  The images show how the Dexa screen captures have the patient information removed during redaction.



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Raigmore Dicom Anonymisation Service

As part of the recent Radiotherapy DICOM service migration at Raigmore hospital, Pukka-j set up the new DICOM Anonymisation service that is built on Nexus (DICOM Streaming Service) to allow the department to anonymise data for clinical trials.  The DICOM anonymiser operates on the header information in the DICOM files as they pass through the node.  Specific anonymisation rules can be configured based on the called AET, referred to as the “Trial AET” within the anonymiser.  Because some systems may have had the original data, if they receive the anonymised data with the original UIDs unchanged, then it is possible the original demographic data will be displayed by such a system as it has cached those details for the original UIDs.  This is handled by the anonymiser by selecting to re-UID the DICOM header.  A record is kept of the original and new UIDs as a look-up.  This allows any cross-referencing using UIDs between DICOM files to be maintained, such that, if the system finds a UID it has replaced for the selected trial in the past, it uses the same one again.  This allows DICOM objects such as RTPLANs to maintain a reference to an anonymised CT series, even after UIDs have been replaced.

You can download the Nexus specification document here [Download not found]
You can see more on Nexus here

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